1. Quotations are valid for 14 days from the date of issue, after which the quotation is considered invalid, and the requested unit or part may not be available for immediate delivery.
  2. The unit will be delivered within (1-3) days from the date of confirmation and full payment of the quotation amount in advance, depending on the type of requested part and the date of the quotation.
  3. The warranty period for electronic devices is two years from the date of receipt, covering only manufacturing defects, and excluding misuse from the warranty.
  4. This quotation constitutes a single and indivisible part in terms of pricing, and if any item of the quotation is canceled, the company reserves the right to redistribute the prices in a manner that suits its interests.
  5. In the event of cancellation by the customer after shipping within the first 24 hours, the customer is responsible for the full shipping costs, round trip, and the condition of the products is fully verified before refunding the amounts paid to the customer.
  6. CompuCar reserves the right to test the unit in the manner it deems appropriate before delivering it to the customer to ensure its safety.
  7. Misuse of the units includes, but is not limited to, component damage such as (burning of the device’s power adapter, memory damage, screen breakage, main cable damage, etc.).
  8. The customer is responsible for the full maintenance costs of the unit after the warranty period expires.
  9. Products will be replaced only in the event of a manufacturing defect within 48 hours from the date of purchase, and a replacement request must be submitted immediately upon experiencing the fault.
  10. The customer is familiar with the quality of the purchased unit, and the responsibility for operating and working with the unit on the car lies solely with the customer.
  11. Device updates are performed directly from the manufacturer’s server via the internet, and Cars Gate provides training to the customer on how to update. The Cars Gate team does not perform updates for customers.
  12. All parts and complimentary gifts are not covered by the warranty at all.
  13. The customer is not entitled to request the replacement or return of any complimentary parts or gifts.
  14. Any additional notes, requests, or agreements are not valid unless they are added within the original invoice notes.
  15. This electronic quotation does not require a signature or stamp.

رمز الإستجابة السريع لقراءة شروط واحكام عرض السعر الصادر من مؤسسة بوابة السيارات